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Family Law


-- Custody, Visitation, Divorce, Child/Spousal Support --

-- Protective Orders/Peace Orders --

-- Prenuptial Agreements --


There may be no area of law in which the stakes are higher than they are in Family Law.  In many cases, nothing less than the emotional stability, happiness, well-being, safety, and security of a couple's children may hang in the balance.  It is critically important for a family law practitioner to understand that each case he or she handles likely represents the most significant factor in the lives of several individuals. 


Elan Feder is deeply aware of the potential impact of family law cases on those involved and on those who will be affected by their outcome.  For Mr. Feder, that awareness permeates every aspect of his practice of family law.


Often, the parties to a family law case are able to collaborate on the dissolution of their relationship, decisions regarding access to their children, or the division of assets.  Such cases generally work out best for everyone - they are the least expensive, each party maintains some control over the outcome, and the lack of resentment and anger helps reduce the impact on any children involved. 


Conversely, where the case is or turns adversarial, the costs increase exponentially, the outcome is left in the hands of a judge (to whom each party may seem equally righteous), and the children can become caught in the middle.  However, sometimes the opposing party's actions or decisions necessitate an adversarial approach. 


In such a case, you will need your attorney to be the most zealous and effective advocate possible to achieve the best outcome.  Elan Feder is ready to fight for your family as if it were his own.


Contact Feder Legal, to set up a Strategy Session so we can discuss your case.


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